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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Do the Opposite ( a frightening read for Halloween)

Pueblo, CO. Oct. 20, 2015 -- Everyone wants their advertisement to stand out among the rest. Every advertiser wants to be seen. After all, what good is an ad if no one sees it? This is especially true when it comes to print ads. When your ad is surrounded by dozens of others, all screaming for attention, what real chance does your message stand of being seen, read and heard? 

Unfortunately, this is where some business owners go awry. Some will try to design the ad themselves (because there is so much at stake), with no real knowledge about ad design (and it does show), because they think their personal taste in art is adequate for the task. Ads are not about the aesthetic quality of art. Ads are about visual psychology. We are dealing with the public; thus, we are dealing with a entity much bigger than our own personal tastes. When having a graphic design company create your ad, make sure it is someone who has some real skin in the game. In other words, make sure the success of the ad also reflects on the designer's ability to create the eye-catching masterpiece. Your ad may indeed end up being a real work of art -- but does it STaND OuT? 

Most everyone has a tendency to follow trends in art, in clothing, in architecture and even thinking, but where does that get the person who needs to be SEEN in the jungle of sameness, even if the sameness is beautiful, fresh and aesthetically appealing?  Here is the secret to producing a print ad that will be seen --- it is so simple.

No, really -- we mean it. Scary thought, right?
Just try it.
Same principle can be applied to success in your business... even more terrifying.
Just try it. YOU may just be the next trend-setter!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

QCM and The Insane Asylum

by: Lu Velazquez, QCM

Bob and Nell Mitchell
Pueblo CO. October 3, 2015 -- Quantum Creative Media would like to introduce one of our favorite clients, the folks who run the Museum at the Colorado Mental Health Institution at Pueblo -- Bob and Nell Mitchell. The Mitchell's have made the up-keep of the museum at The Insane Asylum (formally known as) a mission of love. Each time they come in with their latest project, we are constantly amazed with their ideas for furthering the awareness and education about the artifacts and life of former patients.
Straight Jacket

One of the first projects they brought to us was developing a presentation where Nell wrote the narrative and we recorded both Bob and Nell doing the narration. There was also a map of the extensive tunnel system under the Asylum campus that they wanted to have made into a nice display. We developed a rather instructional graphic design, highlighting all the tunnels and adding old photos in the margins so the reader can capture the feel of these underground rivers of activity. Nell has also has written a book about the history of the Colorado Mental Health Institution at Pueblo (as it is now called).

Patrick Cottage
Miles of service tunnels under the campus

The Colorado Mental Health Institution at Pueblo was founded in 1879. This institution has been through many changes over the years and has seen the development of mental healthcare to the paradigm we know today. This facility first began as simple "housing" of the mentally ill to a more institutional setting. From the institutional setting it moved into a "cottage" paradigm. The cottage paradigm suffered from over crowing and necessitated a shift to a much more structured model as reflected by the architecture in the newer buildings. Food and goods were transported through the extensive tunnel system under the acreage where upon this institution sits.
This is just a taste of what you will find at the museum. We let Bob and Nell take you on a tour of a time long ago at the Insane Asylum.
If you ever find yourself in Pueblo, Colorado - stop by this fascinating museum and meet Bob and Nell. They will make the history of this institution come alive.